Tag Archives: The Carrotbox

Ring ’round my heart


The other day I was perusing the internet (shocker, I know), curious to see again a ring that I was smitten with a bit over a year ago, when I stumbled upon the blog at The Carrotbox: a store/blog devoted entirely to rings. And not your standard fancy-pants rings hawked at many-a-store; no siree, here is a display of mind-boggingly fabulous rings that bridge/blur the gap between jewelry and art. Wearable art, my favorite!!! I suspected but truly had NO IDEA there was so much ring specific awesomeness out there, and I adore Alice, owner of the store and blog, for her commitment to sharing the kick-ass works of jewelry artists out there. Interesting note is that in her store The Carrotbox sells rings made out of anything else but metal, as she is allergic. Here are a some pics of a few of my favorites, but I thoroughly recommend checking the site out for yourself as new stuff is added daily:

The ring that led me to The Carrotbox:

By Brooklyn designer Aesa

Have trouble keeping your manicure in pristine condition? Never fear, with this amusing look by Dutch designer Emmy Möller

Make it personal with these rings by Australian designer Jonathan Ben-Tovim in which the tiny blobs and holes that represent letters in binary code – enabling you to encrypt a message up to 64 characters long.

Intriguing works by Cleveland based designer Austin Bates

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